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  1. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    But why sacrifice them having Pokémon? The gatcha would be nice for another villain but not for Team Rocket Trio. Powerfull? With the exception of Mincino and Buneary the other gatcha were defeated quite easily and most of the time it was a 2 on 1. I prefer10000 times Arbok and Weezing getting...
  2. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    Episode 17 was an awesome episode thanks to Team Rocket, it was the episode with the best gatcha Pokemon: Chewtle. Rest in Peace Chewtle you will be avenged.
  3. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    If anybody can make this work is Team Rocket.
  4. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    I'm happy cause half of it is a TR epiode, but the premise does not sound that good... I feel like this: View:
  5. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    Oh here we go with the plausible Marshtomp capture... Oh wait a minute.... WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO MEOWTH MY POOR BABY.
  6. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    There was a Pokemon whisperer episode, episode 195 of the OS. It was a piece of work. One of the worst episodes I have ever seen in any series. Johto filler at its worse.
  7. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    So instead of a Rocket episode we got half a Rocket episode? Nice. I wanted to be the next episode to be about Morpeko and killing the gatcha but that could wait for now. Are you ready for it? Team Rocket are the comedy pinnacle of this series. Team Rocket is gonna teach how to do real...
  8. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    Should I be happy about this? Also this means that Team Rocket will probably appear for 6 episodes straight. An outstanding (And sad) record. I remember him from the Best Wishes days where I was more active. I wonder what happened...
  9. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    Good reference. View:
  10. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    That would be... weird. By the way seeing the special preview I'm starting to think that is possible that in the Marshtomp segment Ash and Goh may not appear at all.
  11. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    I'm sorry for the ones who enjoy it, but episodes based on memes are not what I call interesting or original. I guess that the next 2 on 1 will be about Bidoof or a walking Furret.
  12. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    Bleugh It's one of those guys... View:
  13. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    That episode was bad but I like when Pokémon talk in some episodes cause it reminds me of what they could've sound if a Pokemon MD anime was ever made... Sigh..... This is your typical "Before the big storm comes" funny episode, a few examples: The episode before Team Galactic climax was the...
  14. Rocket Messiah

    Preview JN041: The Great Pikachu Dubbing Operation! / Half a Numacraw

    I Thought we were done with the half episode shenanigans...
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