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everytime i look at the online members and see liek a toooon of guests and barely any actual members i get so sad. T^T come join us... i prommy i won't bite...
Some people might have had bad experiences with forums before, so they might not be willing to join another one.
Though, at that point, why would they be looking at another forums (aside from wanting to give it another chance)?
honestly if you're a teenager online, get used to the fact that you will likely change your online handle, multiple times, if for no reason other than to no longer tie yourself to the dumb arguments you got involved with online when you were like 14 years old
Yung Dramps
Yung Dramps
vs the chad me, who has used the same handle for nearly 8 years
i went thru that crisis changed my name a bunch of times and eventually just cycled right back 2 the name i used as a 11yo again.
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